Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last Saturday, January 24, Chelsea, Hillary and I went to Mani's Bakery for the most delightful brunch. Then Chels, Dom and I headed over to Pan Pacific Park for Lou O'Bedlam's micro photo shoot. It ended up being rained out, but the wander around the park yielded a nice crop of new photos that I'm very happy with.

After the park, Chelsea had a hankering for a smoothie, and Erewhon was right there... so she bought some bananas, and we headed to her place. Smoothies were delightful, and then Jeremy made the spontaneous decision via iChat to head to the mountains to place the Cloud Cone Christmas Cache (the Geocache I gave Jeremy for Christmas).

All in all, a perfectly delightful day, which resulted in some photos I'm happy with. This type of editing was new and I love it.


Tobey Wong Tobey Chong

(Full Set)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack & Bowl!

In celebration of our 44th President, we went bowling. Here's the flyer.

Barack & Bowl

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Disneyland 2009

Jeremy, Dong, and I went to Disneyland & California Adventure last Sunday. There is something remarkable about that place that has nothing to do with magic and characters. The infrastructure and attention to detail that makes it magical is much more impressive than any other aspect. There is never a single piece of trash to be found, nor is there a single spec of paint overlooked. The place is kept in perfect pristine condition. I go there and feel like I am in another world. There is always entertainment to be had. And if you know the right places and method of going about your adventure, it's 100% stress free.

Going with Jeremy, who is a Disneyland veteran could not have been better... He knows how to get there in 35 mins or less, get on all the rides you want to go on, eat at the best (and healthiest) places, and never once did we feel pressured for any reason.

About half way through the day, I realized that my watch was missing. Indiana Jones was spent racking my brain about where it could have gone. I usually just keep it on my awesome fanny pack's strap, so the only way it would have come off is if I took the bag off. There was only one place I did that: While watching Bill Hill and the Hillbillies at The Golden Horseshoe while consuming the delicious hot fudge sundae and root beer float that the gentlemen were lovely enough to share with me. So we wandered back over there after Indiana Jones - arguably one the best rides there. They had found the watch but had already turned it into Lost & Found. After some more rides, dinner, and with some perseverance, I was reunited with my watch!

All in all, it was perfect day. Perfect weather. No lines. Perfect companions.

Here are some photos - click each for the full set.

Completely unprovoked, Goofy endorsed Obama!

Goofy Endorses Obama!

Thunder Mountain Coupledome. <3

Dong and Melissa vs Disneyland  027

Jeremy takes a nap, and Dong pulls a Halseth on Space Mountain!

Dong and Melissa vs Disneyland  038

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve was spent in a crowd of a few thousand people and on stage with Moby.

2008 was probably one of the best years I can remember. Consistently good and spent with so many great new and old friends. Shows galore, travel to Dallas, PA, NYC, and Black Rock City!! First Burn! Started a photo business. Met an amazing guy (J!)! Obama was elected!

A couple not so awesome things in there too - first I can think of is the scooter accident. But with all the good must come some bad...

(click photos for the rest)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Scooter Accidents Hurt

I was in a scooter accident back in November. I have been riding for about 1.5 years and have never had an incident. I also took a motorcycle safety class when I first started and was the only one to pass with a perfect score.

I was headed West on Wilshire Blvd riding home from school and a car pulled out from the right side of me to make a left turn onto Wilshire to head East. I didn't have enough time to get around him, and since he was essentially stopped in the middle of the road blocking both lanes of traffic, there was no option except to attempt to get around him. I was closer to his front end, so I veered left toward the middle of the road and nearly made it.

I didn't though and the right front side of my scooter hit his front bumper. This sent me to the left, and when I tried to correct, I was too off balance from the impact that I was unable to. This sent me and the scooter down on the right side. The scooter slid out from under me and down the road about 100 feet. And I rolled about 3 times before coming to a stop on my back.

The only injury I suffered was a pretty bad abrasion and bruise on my hip, which took the impact.

The guy's insurance company has accepted liability and will pay for my scooter and computer that was in my backpack.

So my question for all of you is this: If this happened to you, would you keep riding? Why or why not?

The pavement did it

Sad Compy :(

not ok.