Friday, October 10, 2008


I have been completely uninspired to post lately. Busy-ness does it, I think. Here's what I've been up to:


I began that post last night when I was at a pretty low point. I think I just needed a good talk and some sleep. All better now!

I started school about two weeks ago. The classes this quarter are good. Abnormal psych, Sensation & Perception, and I'm doing another research assistantship for credit. Some days are much more interesting than others. Yesterday, for instance, I was pretty bored during Sensation & Perception, started organizing my compy's desktop and rediscovered some photos I'd neglected to post. Shortly after I returned from New York, Jeremy and I rented bikes at the beach and found swings.


We also had two amazing nights at The Greek. Thursday October 2, Cameron, Chelsea, Jeremy and I rode my scooter and Cam's motorcycle to see Sigur Ros. Cameron and I have waited months to see them - especially after our failed adventure to see them in Mexico due to the civil unrest that was happening there.

Sigur Ros at The Greek

( ^ also my current desktop - feel free to download the full size. it's scaled for 1440 x 900)

The following night, October 3, Jeremy, Stevel, and I saw David Byrne! It was an amazing performance. Dancers, music, dancing, BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE!! Here is a really great review from of the show.

David Byrne at The Greek

1 comment:

Jeremy Roush said...

Freaking amazing shows and great times. Thanks for making it all happen. Much love. :)