Wednesday, December 2, 2009



(his name is steve.)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pigeon Impossible

Oh, Pigeons.

Official Photos: Band of Horses & War Paint

(click each for the rest)

Band of Horses & War Paint

Band of Horses

War Paint

First official photo pass!

Photo Pass

(more photos of the show coming soon...)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ikea + Taiwanese Shaved Ice

Pictures of neither of those things:

a lot.
in or out

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Want to go to San Diego for lunch?

Peggy iChatted me the other day with those words...

Her friend flew us in his plane!

Here are a couple of snaps from that day. It was awesome, and Aaron was a most excellent pilot!

November Seven One Four Alpha Kilo

Goodbye San Diego International

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Texts from Last Night

I am a text spy. When I'm behind you in line, at concerts, wherever, I will try to look at your texts. I don't make assessments about you based on these texts, I just think it's interesting. I love to do it. And Texts From Last Night is a perfect outlet for it.

Here are some of my favs:

(310): Gettin pulled over, can you watch my dog and pay the bils for a while?




(516): gavin joseph was born around 1 oclock 9lbs 12oz... over 21 inches long
(917): Thats what she said


(917): omg omg i just fucked paul. i need to stop doing this kind of thing.
(310): wait, who's paul?
(917): exactly.


(847): Rock
(630): Scissors
(630): Fuck


Also: After reading some of these obviously drunken texts, I still can't believe that it's legal to drink something that can produce these types of consequences, but smoking a plant that just makes you laugh at the people dealing with these consequences isn't.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Nina & Kennan Come to Town!

Jeremy's longest friend, Kennan, and his lovely and talented girlfriend, Nina Nastasia came to town to master the tracks on her new album. We have spent an amazing weekend with them, eating, drinking, music listening, geocaching and general adventuring all over the city.

Yesterday, we took Nina & Kennan, and Emily & Paul to Cloud Cone Point.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Shot In The Back of the Head

Last summer, when I was in NYC for All Points West, I randomly met Moby in a bar. He just sent me his latest single / video "a strange and dark instrumental, sure to be a big radio hit..." done by David Lynch. Reminds me of Mazzy Star.. Check it out:

Shot In The Back Of The Head from Moby

Friday, April 10, 2009


Tweenbots is a little (adorable) robot experiment that Kacie Kinzer did in NYC.

"In New York City, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots ... Mission 1: Get from the Northwest to the Southwest Corner of Washington Square Park / time: 42 minutes / number of people who intervened: 29"

Macbeth Photograph'd

Jeremy and I have become the resident photographers for the wonderfully talented Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble at the historical Powerhouse Theatre in Santa Monica. Here are the shots from Macbeth!

(click the images for the full set!)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Approximately this time last year:


J's birthday was a significant one last year. I broke up with him. At the zoo. Thank the universe I figured out the right thing to do. That was to be with the man who has treated me better and with more respect than any other man I've know.

To 35 more years of knowing you.

Cuter than you

Allow me to change your life for the better.

(click above link or the photo)

Via Jim, who doesn't have a current site to where I should link.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Solo Project

I took a solo stroll through Huntington Gardens yesterday. For me, a significant path to change is often just getting in the car and driving. I do more thinking while driving than most other places. Thinking about personal growth, change. I have realizations and find understanding in implementation of the action necessary for change.

Yesterday was one of those days. Good. Productive. Thoughtful. Arriving an hour before they opened with some time to kill, I began and finished the book I brought: It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be. Precisely what I needed to read yesterday. The drive to the gardens proved insightful. The wander through them, even more. The Gardens were beautiful. Perfect weather.


Bamboo Too

Blown Still

Photoshoot for Survived with J later.




It was a full day of photography, self searching, and challenging myself to succeed.

Extreme Sheep Herding

Monday, March 23, 2009

Daunting Messy Mess

I did a first sweep of the garage yesterday. Trying to get organized, get rid of stuff, and feel less scattered in preparation for moving, Burning Man, both, or neither. Regardless, it feels good to know that all the boxes of DVDs or J's wires are labeled and in one place. Definitely pares down the search time. I can even tell you where the rug for our tent is now! (in the duffle bad with all the other useful fabricy pieces :)


Progress -

In Progress

A more organized mess (click photo to see the notes over each item) -


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dilated Pupils

Eye exam today. They were HUGE. And this is about an hour after I left the office.

Dilated Pupils

Yes, I'm Really Posting This

The lovely Ms. Alli V. sent me this with the subject line "your dream guy de-robed"

Oh, yes, I still love him.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This Plant...

Is a clipping from my brother, Dan's, plant that was started as a clipping from my Mom & Dad's plant that they bought the year Dan was born - 1979.


Monday, March 9, 2009

10 Days of Love Bean

Cloud Cone Point Winter Fun

Went to the mountains on Sunday for some winter snow fun time.

(Click photos for full set)

Create Fixate

J and I made it down to Create Fixate on Saturday night for some friends, art and dancing. 'Twas a good time had by all..

I found two artists whose work I want to own.

Sasha Bell makes this gorgeous jewelry.

Walt Hall does multimedia on wood.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Perfecting Little Cakes

I made these Molten Chocolate Cakes (<--scroll down for recipe) for Jeremy for our one year. I didn't cook them long enough and overlooked letting them cool before the inversion step. So they ended up a melted chocolately mess. Albeit a yummy mess, but still not visually appealing.

J is in NYC for work this week, and with some extra time,I decided to try to perfect them. Summer hung with me, in an online iChat kind of way, where I taunted her with words of yumminess... and despite the fact that the recipe creates two, and it isn't reducible because of the eggs, I made them anyway and ate them both! They were so yummy.



Cooling before Inversion

Ta Da!

Um.. Where did they go?

Pst! My offer still stands to make these for you if/when we ever meet, Summer. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love Eruption!

I have seen these message beans here and there for years. I was a little skeptical about a bean in a can. Especially one that's been laser engraved. And that a plant might not be a good present for some. Jeremy was the right person! And of course the love eruption happens while he's in NYC. :)

Here it is on days 10 & 11:

Love Eruption on Day 10

Message Bean on Day 11

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tree Branch Hanger

I found these adorable little tree branch coat/scarf/bag/key hangers by Bosign at The Container Store yesterday. I can't wait to hang them!

Monday, February 16, 2009


It's a surprise!

Dessert Surprise!

One Year!

One year ago today, we shared a booth together. Now we share a life together. Love!

One Year!